Find a Mediator Near You in Missouri
Sara Marler
Location: St. Louis, MO (will travel 75 miles)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (314) 782-1415
Practice Focus Area: family mediation
I am a trained mediator who focuses my work exclusively on family law matters. I have extensive experience in various areas of law, including criminal defense, juvenile law, family law, and work as a prosecuting attorney. In 2007, I elected to forego all other practice areas and focus exclusively on family law. I bring a unique wealth of knowledge, including skills in de-escalation, knowledge about neurodivergent children and adults, knowledge about trauma and its impact on individuals and families, training in family systems, and extensive experience in high conflict cases. I pride myself as a compassionate advocate who approaches each case with curiosity. I believe it is critically important to find support for clients and families outside the legal system to empower them to gain control over their actions, responses, and perceptions throughout their case and to prevent them from continuously cycling through the family court system. I lend most of my expertise to high-conflict custody cases and am currently working with mental health professionals in St. Louis to establish a trauma-informed family law practice.
Location: St. Louis, MO (will travel 75 miles)
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (314) 782-1415
Practice Focus Area: family mediation
I am a trained mediator who focuses my work exclusively on family law matters. I have extensive experience in various areas of law, including criminal defense, juvenile law, family law, and work as a prosecuting attorney. In 2007, I elected to forego all other practice areas and focus exclusively on family law. I bring a unique wealth of knowledge, including skills in de-escalation, knowledge about neurodivergent children and adults, knowledge about trauma and its impact on individuals and families, training in family systems, and extensive experience in high conflict cases. I pride myself as a compassionate advocate who approaches each case with curiosity. I believe it is critically important to find support for clients and families outside the legal system to empower them to gain control over their actions, responses, and perceptions throughout their case and to prevent them from continuously cycling through the family court system. I lend most of my expertise to high-conflict custody cases and am currently working with mental health professionals in St. Louis to establish a trauma-informed family law practice.
This listing is a public service. Information is provided by the mediators listed and is not certified or approved by the Association of Missouri Mediators. We recommend you check the credentials and experience of the individual mediators. Each mediator has acknowledged a minimum of 16 hours of mediation training (MO Rule 17 - general) or 36 hours training (MO Rule 88 - domestic relations).
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